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Quality Water Treatment Solutions

Are you getting the highest level of quality out of your water?

When it comes to your water you should expect spot-free dishes, brighter and softer clothes and a shower stall without unsightly water spots.

Water softening systems or conditioners work to reduce the dissolved minerals in hard water, which can affect the taste of your water, contribute to drain clogs, and impact the efficiency and lifespan of your water heater. Downing Plumbing provides treatment solutions that will address your home's water problems by:

  • Improving taste and odors through a special activated carbon filter
  • Neutralizing acidity and reducing iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfides that contribute to the staining of fabrics, dishes and fixtures

A water conditioning and softening system could save you money on soaps and detergents, while eliminating the buildup that can potentially harm your water-using appliances. Your Downing Plumbing professional can recommend the best water treatment system to suit your needs.

Call us today for all of your plumbing needs or schedule an appointment online.